Rice hull ash.How to remove motor oil %26amp; transmission fluid stains from cement ?
I found this at the link below. I hope it helps.
How can I remove oil stains from my garage floor and driveway?
Go to your auto parts store and get something like Ulttrasorb (made by Motlan) - which you sprinkle on oil or grease spills. It absorbs it all, if you leave it there a few days. Then just sweep it up. There are numerous products specifically for this application - and they all do a great job, and are cheap. They are essentially compounds of very absorbent materials such as dried clay. Note: To get the area 'extra clean,' after the largest part of the spill is absorbed, sweep up the dirty absorber you selected and put some fresh down. Now, use your foot to crush the absorber into smaller, finer granules. Leave that there for a day or two. The finer particles get deep into the cracks and crevices and really do the job!
I've tried tide soap and a stiff brush. Then when I've gotten up as much as I can I use muratic acid to get the rest of it. That's the same stuff they clean brick with. That may be a little extreme but it does a pretty good job. Just be careful and wear goggles and plastic gloves.
The best and cheapiest way is Cat litter any kind will work
muratic acid
degreaser from stanley products. really good
I use Speedy Dri, or some derivative. Spread it on the stain. Then stand on the stain and grind in the Speedy dry with your feet. Sweep up the dust, most of the stain if not all of it will be gone. If not, then use muriatic acid as suggested in other answers. BE CAREFUL, it is not a chemical to be taken lightly!
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