Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is time to change new transmission oil for a 6 years old van?

It costs $100 to change the transmission oil, it can't say the different with new oil when you are driving.Is time to change new transmission oil for a 6 years old van?
Transmission flush every 100 thousand miles...or so i was told.Is time to change new transmission oil for a 6 years old van?
YES, Please..
lol -- time to change the van
Yes it's time to change your fluid. Many people are reluctant to change thier fluid because they think it costs to much to service a transmission. At my shop, we charge from 90.00 to 150.00 CDN

for most vehicles. Some German cars are more because the fluid alone is 25.00 to 30.00 CDN per litre. The truth of it is, a transmission is cheaper to service than your engine....look at it this way !!!! Example using a 2000, Plymouth Voyageur that uses ATF+ 4 transmission fluid. In this vehicle, service intervals are approx. 80,000 kms for the transmission and 5000 kms for the engine. After 80,000 kms, the engine oil would have been changed 16 times at about 30.00 each. That's 480.00 for engine oil changes VS 150.00 for the 1 transmission service !!!!

Bite the bullet, spend the 100.00 bucks and get your transmission serviced !!!!
If you have reached the 30,000 mile mark, then yes, have the transmission fluid and filter changed if equipped. It will help add life to the transmission, and at 6 years old, you are probably overdue.
YES!!!!! Check yugie69's answer. Vehicles vary, and the manual, if you have it, will tell you. Different schedules for different tranny's. But you're definitely overdue. For a little extra, get a tranny flush done too!
the filters recommend every 30,000 miles and depending what kind of oil your using and what kind of terrain your driving in will determine the life of the oil
definitely time to change it and the filter. i think for the average driver that being 15000 miles a yr or so every 2 yrs would be fine
If you wait any longer you going to have to spend a little bit more than $100.00 dollars.don't be a cheap and change that transmission fluid.You beter make sure they change the filter also.
i change mine at about 10 yo15 thousand miles unless it apears dirty or burnt
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