Friday, December 18, 2009

2000 Ford Mustang how do I change the transmission oil?

what is the best way to do this, where do you put the new oil in? is there a certain funnel? how much oil does it require?2000 Ford Mustang how do I change the transmission oil?
Having the car on jack-stands

Crawl under with the appropriate socket (probably a 10 mm) place your head pointed to the front of the car, but at the rear of the transmission.

Remove the bolt at one corner, loosen the other main front corner bolt but not removed.

Remove some of the side bolts (closer to the front) Loosen the bolts but not removed closer to the rear. Loosen the rear bolts, but not removed.

With a good catch pan or bucket, pry the corner loose that had the bolt removed.

Your goal is to create a ';down-spout'; with the corner, while remaining dry.

As the fluid comes out and fades to a trickle, remove the side bolts that kept the pan from dropping all the way, allowing more fluid to hit the corner.

When it is manageable, remove the rest of the bolts and the pan.

Remove the filter bolt, remove filter.

Inspect pan for ';junk'; and clean if dirty.

If the pan has a magnet, clean the magnet.

If you don't have a magnet in the pan, find a small magnet to put

somewhere that will clear the valve body.

Be careful to not get a lot of fluid on you, as it can cause irritation. I have a small case of exsema due to tranny fluid.

You can also add in a drain plug at this time, I recommend cutting the stem, and having it welded flush.

This will eliminate any loosening leaks later but allow for the next change to be EASY.

Go to the parts store before you break the pan seal and ask them which fluid goes in your particular tranny and how much.

I am guessing that it is ATF-3. If you drive it everyday, you may want to consider synthetic, but it is not mandatory.

The fluid goes in the transmission dipstick tunnel, and the funnel to use is long and tapered but any funnel can be used.

Good Luck with it.2000 Ford Mustang how do I change the transmission oil?
Ok, If it is an automatic transmission what you do is remove the pan or you can by a kit to remove the fluid through the dipstick tube. You fill using a long narrow funnel through the dipstick tube. It will take between 4 or 6 quarts depending on the type of transmission. You can also use the drained fluid to see how much it will take by measuring the amount that comes out. I would recommend changing the tranny filter and cleaning the magnet when the pan is off.

Manual Trans has a square ended plug or a square socket style plug usually on the lowest part of the trans. This is for draining. There is also the same style plug about halfway up the side of the trans. This is for filling. Fill to where it just starts running out.

Be sure to use the proper fluids. Automatic transmissions require a Transmission Fluid. Any Dextron2 Mercon should be fine for your Ford auto transmission. Check your owners manual to be 100%.

Manual Trans require gear oil. Usually 80 to 90 wt and can either be standard or synthetic. Check your owners manual for the proper wt.

One thing I will tell you about Gear oil is that it has a horrible odor about it. It will ruin what ever clothing you are wearing if you get it on you. DO NOT wash the them or try to save them. You will never be able to get rid of the stench and it will transfer to other clothes that you wash alongside them. I learned this the hard way.

Being that it is a newer ford vehicle it will more than likely be a fairly difficult job. I would recommend taking it to a professional for service if you have little or no experience in working on vehicles.

Best of luck!
if it is manual u have to drop the pan on the bottom of the tranny. let me tell u how, u have to have a big catch pan, cause the pan will spill the take out all the bolts except two at the frt or near the engine and on at the rear of the pan . one at 6 o clock and two at 12 o clock. then loosen these till the pan can be loosened ever so slightly. then using the 6 oclock bolt un screw the bolt while the pan tilts in its direction letting the fluid come out, and u may have to loosen the 12 o clock ones to let it tilt too. but take 6 out all the way and let the pan hang at that angle till the fluid stops pouring out. last is to support the pan with one hand and use ur fingers to take out the last two bolts. when they are out use both hands and lower the pan and empty into ur catch pan. u will get a filter or screen with ur kit, and it should be a simple replacement. keep everything absolutely clean. don't do it in windy conditions, and repalce the gasket and clean the pan real good before installation. u will NOT need to glue the gasket as some of the bolt holes are slightly smaller to hold the gasket in place. u can put it on dry and it will work best that way. if this sounds like too much u can probably get it done for about 50 to 70 bucks at a regular shop. whereever u get your filter kit ask them toget u a funnel for an automatic. u will put the fluid in the dipstick tube. do not overfill . know how much it will hold ask at oreillys. they can tell u.
most cars now have a transmission drain plug if not you can buy a small hand pump and suck most of the oil out through the tube where you check the oil level this is also where you refill with oil. buy a gallon of good quality oil and you will have plenty. I usually measure what I take out and replace with the same amount assuming the level was full at the start. any funnel that fits the tube will do.
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